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SMALL Groups

Small groups meet on a variety of schedules (usually twice a month on Wednesdays) at various homes around the area in order to grow relationships, pray, and discuss the previous week's sermon. Small group meeting times and locations are located here.

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Men’s & Women’s Fellowships

These groups meet throughout the year for Bible study and prayer. Women's Bible Study meets every Tuesday AM or PM and Men's Ministry meets the second and fourth Monday of the month at 7:00pm. Please see the bulletin or contact us for current meeting locations and times.


College & Young Adult Ministry exists to help our young people grow into the men and women God wants them to be through Bible study, discipleship, prayer and community; preparing them to be leaders at work, church and home.

Need a ride?  The church van leaves Cedarville’s campus every Sunday at 8:30AM and 5:30PM (meet outside the DMC). Please contact us if you need a ride from another school.

Informational Handout


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Children’s and Youth Ministry

9:00AM Sunday School:
Ages 3 Years - 12th Grade

During 11:00AM Service: 
”Children’s Church” for Ages 2-3 and also 4-Kindergarten 

During 6:00PM Service:
Kids 4 Truth for Ages 3 Years - 6th Grade


Childcare is provided for children ages two and under during all of our Sunday meeting times. We also provide live streaming video to the Nursing Mothers’ Room and Children’s Wing Lobby. 


Adults and college students meet for Sunday School in the Adult Sunday School Room at 9:00am. This is a casual and interactive teaching time geared toward application. Both Sunday School times are the same lesson.