The Armor of God (Pt. 3)

Ephesians 6:15

Keywords: armor, breastplate, righteousness, shod, feet, preparation, gospel, peace, sin, battle, firm, footing

The Armor of God (Pt. 2)

Ephesians 6: 14-17

Keywords: armor, breastplate, righteousness, truth, battle, obedience, standard, curse, religiousness,

newness, life

God Has Not Rejected His People

Romans 11:1-10
Keywords; Faithful, Trust, Foreknew, Love, Integrity, Hope, Grace, Born again, Lost, Sin, Unbelief

The Armor of God

Ephesians 6:14-17

Keywords: sin, doubt, God, persecution, doctrine, Satan, temptation, hypocrisy, armor, battle, servant, warrior

Israel's Failure Pt 4

Romans 10:18 - 21

Keywords: Grace, Mercy, Hearing, The Message, Preach, Repent, Intercessor

Israel's Failure

Romans 10: 11-17

Keywords: righteousness, gift, belief, Lord, salvation, mercy, death, judgment

Celebrating Christmas

Luke 2: 1-20

Keywords: honor, birth, Jesus, savior, judgment, prophesy, witness, truth, traditions, principles, miracles, proclamation

Israel's Failure (Pt2)

Romans 10:4 - 10

Kewywords: Gift, Righteousness, Unbelief, Understanding, Tutor, Christ, Completion, Law, Substitution

Reconciled to God

Romans 5:10

Keywords; Reconciled, Hostility, Wrath, Love, Enemies, Salvation

Israel's Unbelief

Romans 10: 1-21

Keywords: Israel, ignorance, righteousness, law, works, faith, confess, Lord, believe, resurrection

Take Up the Full Armor of God

Ephesians 6:13

Keywords: armor, spiritual, warfare, Christ, power, sin, battle, flesh, stand, firm

Guard the Word

2 Timothy 1:13-14

Keywords: Russia, Truth, Word

Great Reversals

Esther 7-8

Keywords: Pride, Covenant, Jews, Esther, Mordecai, Edict