Walking in Wisdom

Ephesians 5: 5-18

Keywords: wisdom, believers, growth, application, doctrine, practice, sanctification, gospel, world, fool, foolish

Is He Worth It?

Luke 9: 23-26

Keywords: challenge, self-denial, follow, devotion, life, profit, loss

Light and Darkness

Ephesians 5: 7-14

Keywords: Christ, follow, walk, imitate, sanctification, darkness, light, sin, heart, witness, believers, holy, separation, world

Joy in Affliction

Lamentations 3

Keywords: hope, joy, suffering, trial, pain, Christian

The Tides Turn

Esther 5 & 6

Keywords: providence, sovereignty, anger, wisdom

Confession of Sin

1 John 1: 8-10

Keywords: sin, denial, grace, deceiving, truth, confess, confession, faithful, righteous, forgive, forgiveness, cleanse, God, holy, judgment, chasten, guilt, iniquity, wash, restoration

A Call to Action

Various Texts

Keywords: exile, application, judgement, timidity, Mordecai, Haman, Hathach, crisis, resignation

Let No One Deceive You (Pt. 2)

Ephesians 5: 6-8

Keywords: sin, wrath, disobedience, flesh, conflict, deception, regeneration, new creation, hope, sanctification, spirit

Back To The Reformation Pt. 4

Various Texts

Keywords: Calvinism, Arminianism, Reformation, Predestination, God’s Choice, Will, TULIP

Let No One Deceive You

Ephesians 5: 1-7

Keywords: culture, wickedness, immorality, abortion, depravity, homosexuality, pornography, idolatry, covetousness, wrath, God, sin, church, deception, deceived, faith, sanctification, holiness