The Two Ways (Pt. 2)

Psalm 1: 1-6

Keywords: happiness, psalms, blessed, righteous, wicked, chaff, tree

Jesus Before Pilate

Matthew 27: 11-26

Keywords: Jesus, innocent, Pilate, Romans, king, Jews, Barabbas, scourge, crucify

The Suicide of Judas

Matthew 27: 1-10

Keywords: priests, Pilate, Judas, betrayed, remorse, false, repentance, innocent, blood, suicide, hang, prophet

The Denials of Peter

Matthew 26: 69-75

Keywords: Peter, courtyard, Jesus, deny, denial, rooster, crowed, wept

Jesus Before the High Priest

Matthew 26: 57-68

Keywords: Jesus, Christ, priest, council, Sanhedrin, trial, false, witnesses, injustice, Annas, Caiaphas

A Call to Worship (Pt. 9)

Various Texts:

Keywords: omnipresent, omniscient, worship, comfort, presence, holiness, practical theology