What a shock! Today was our last day here in Takasaki serving with the church and Japan team!
This morning we had a slow start consisting of packing our suitcases (big sad!) and last activities with our host families. Matthew and I went with my host family for brunch, visiting a grocery store, and the Japanese version of a Dollar Tree. Meanwhile, Caleb and “The Sam’s” walked 30 minutes to Shabu Shabu where they enjoyed all you can eat meat-which was delivered by a robot. (See picture of “happy Sams”). During this time Shari’s host family took her to an animal cafe. This consisted of 15 live owls, bunny rabbits, a hedgehog, turtles, geckos, and snakes. These animals they could hold and pet. Our highly esteemed team leader Nathan joined Josiah for a steaming bowl of savory ramen!
Sam Vine and Sam Katon at a Shabu Shabu restraunt
After our different starts to the morning, we all met up at the church to pack up and prep for our VBS presentation and worship service at the conference center.
We had a total of 29 kids show up for the service! Praise the Lord! The pastry chef Kat shared that 90% of the kids there were kiddos that are NOT a part of Little Light Church! Such a great opportunity to share the Gospel! Our worship service together consisted of prayer and worship songs. Then the kids who attended the English camp came up in their different age groups for their English presentations. Caleb’s 4-6 year olds said their bible verse and sang Jesus Loves Me. Matthew’s 7-9 year olds said they’re bible verses. Then Nathan’s 10-12 year olds explained their gospel bracelets, and quoted their 2 Bible verses. Then all three groups of kids came up together and sang their camp song: Rock of Ages. Matthew and I were then able to share our testimonies at the worship service with Totti translating. After our testimonies, Totti shared the message with Josiah translating it into English. We then sang a few more worship songs (in both English and Japanese). After the worship service we had a great time talking with the families and passing out flyers sharing about Little Light Church.
Matthew sharing his testimony with Totti translating
Camp children, Little Light Church camp volunteers and Japan team
After the service we came back and spent time at the coffee house and the community center for the local summer festival. We saw a lot of the families from our English camp there and we were able to eat with them and spend time with them. A lot of the church people were there as well as our host families. There were certain dances we didn’t participate in because it is linked to idol worship. However, we did participate in a rock, paper, scissors tournament; and after three devastating losses, “the Sams” survived against all odds and returned victorious with the spoils of their conquest. You’ll have to ask them in person what their prizes were! Here we said some tearful goodbyes with lots of hugs!
Community Festival
Shari and Nathan with community leaders - these men were crucial in securing the facilities that were used for English camp
After a long day, we went with our sweet missionaries to get ice cream and debrief about the mission trip as a whole. Cannot believe we leave for America so soon! Glory be to God for the whole trip!
~Abby Smith on behalf of the Japan Team