What an amazing day from the Lord! So much happened so I will try to be brief! Since we had all split up to our different host families our mornings are probably drastically different.
My host family is Taka and Yuka! Taka went to work very early so most of my morning was spent with Yuka! Lol she is adorable and you all would love her! We did our devos together and you would be amazed! For only being a Christian for a short time-she is pretty diligent and studies just like us! (Prayer, Japanese bible, Japanese app with dictionary for word studies and commentaries!) Her testimony and growth God has done in her is beautiful! Although it was definitely different doing our devotions at the table with her husband’s shrine behind us. (Pictured on wall). Other highlights with Yuko are singing together, talking about family, sharing testimonies, eating ramen, fish, and some slimy, fancy dish, teaching each other Japanese and English words, and tons of laughter.
Household Shinto shrine
After time with our host families, most of the team was able to attend the prayer meeting at church! After some lunch we all we came back together at Little Light Coffee house to assist with their English cafe. We were split into different small groups and were given the prompt “Personalities” with questions to guide our English discussions (see picture). This time was so encouraging as it was very easy to have spiritual conversations and share our testimonies. Be praying for “Leah”! She is “searching” for her religion and is considering being a Buddhist, Muslim, or Christian. We were able to invite her to the church service happening right after and she came!
English Cafe questions
Our time in worship at the church was amazing. Josiah led singing where we would alternate verses singing in English and Japanese. Worshiping our God together in a bilingual service was very humbling and unifying. We are worshiping the same almighty God who understands all languages, knows all thoughts/hearts, is with us both here worshiping in Japan and back with you all at Cornerstone! The sermon was preached by Pastor Ryan on John 15 with Pastor Totti translating to Japanese throughout. I was very encouraged afterwards as the Pastors were protective over their sheep and cautioned them not to participate in the upcoming local festival as it is grounded in idol worship. After this word of caution we split up into small groups for discussion. We talked about sacrificial love and how we are able/can show this towards others. This was a sweet time to reflect on the message, and edify one another, and hear from the members of the Japanese church. Our groups gradually finished and we had a time of fellowship with the Japanese believers and was encouraged hearing many different testimonies. It was amazing seeing everyone God brought to the church that day. We had a group of young American artists who had been touring West Side Story the past 9 months attend, Hawaiian, Korean, an independent missionary, our Ohio team, and visitors like “Leah”.
Little Light Church worship service
After this precious time of fellowship, the kids were having a nerf wars to celebrate one of the pastors son’s birthday! We brought our luggage upstairs to organize and prep materials for our upcoming vbs. Here we had a rare moment of our Cornerstone team being all together and alone-we definitely have grown closer as a team! Then the guys went to nerf wars while Shari and I continued organizing, counting, and dealing with melted, crushed, and spilled supplies. Thankful for God’s sovereignty in having the VBS at the end of our time here to allow us to problem solve some of these minor things! We then had a time of packing up, resetting the church for the next group that rents it, chasing around cute little Shinji, before we went with our missionaries and some hosts families for a Chinese dinner. Here we talked team logistics and enjoyed a meal seated on the ground with pillows. Continue to pray for the rest of the time God has us in Japan for!
~Abby Smith on behalf of the Cornerstone Bible Church
Fellowship at Little Light Church after the service