Praise the Lord! We are on our way to Russia for English Camp 2018. After a delayed flight out of Dayton we were concerned that we were going to miss our international connection causing a domino effect on our onward travel plans to Moscow. But despite being almost an hour late to Chicago we were able to run (literally) to our connection and were the last to board. And God is so gracious... our bags with not just our personal effects but all of our camp supplies made it onboard too!! So we are presently crossing over Canada on our way to London!
Unlike last year, Rylan had a smooth flight and was able to meet up with us in Chicago. We will meet the rest of our team members from Idaho and Maryland when we get to Russia.
Please check back for frequent updates and photos. In the meantime please continue to pray for the rest of our journey and that the Lord would go before us, equipping us and preparing us for all that lies ahead.
For His glory,
CBC Russia Team